
22233-630 : PSS ; Stage 1

하늘을닮은호수M 2007. 11. 23. 17:31


5. Service Requirement

5.1 General

5.2 Media type

* Audio(including speech)

* Video

*Still image

* Graphics(2D and 3D) including animation

* Text; Plain text, Formatted text(e.g. size, colour, font)

* Synthetic audio(e.g. MIDI)

* Meta data(e.g. indication that text has been supplied for the hard of hearing)

5.3 Multimedia Composition and Interaction

5.4 Transport

5.5 Service Personalization

5.6 Service Management

7. Charging

* streaming type(e.g. real-time or non real-time)

* volume of streaming content delivered

* volume of data delivered

* time of start of delivered

* duration

* Qos, including transmission rate, packet loss ratio, transfer delay(latency, jitter)

* Streaming service sender / recipient

* number of Streaming events sent

* number of Streaming events received

* Media type

* Content id(the particular content stream being accessed)
